Accessibility statement
Accessibility statement
The Tannheimer Tal Tourism Association makes every effort to ensure that its website complies with § 14b des Tiroler Antidiskriminierungsgesetzes 2005 for the implementation of the Richtlinie (EU) 2016/2102 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 26. Oktober 2016 über den barrierefreien Zugang zu den Websites und mobilen Anwendungen öffentlicher Stellen (ABl. L 327 vom 2.12.2016, S. 1) to make them accessible without barriers.
The following are a few pointers for accessibility statements:
This website is not universally compliant with conformance level AA of the "Web Accessible Content Guidelines Web - WCAG 2.1".
Guideline 1.1.1:
Not all non-text content has meaningful text alternatives. (Ex: map graphics, box images).
Sometimes the text alternatives are not used optimally in general or in context, or output duplicate content.
Captchas are used for security reasons. If there are problems with captchas in the request form, please use the contact by phone or email.
Guideline 1.2:
Youtube videos are currently embedded on the website. These are not accessible (no subtitles or audio description available).
Guideline 1.3:
Not all pages have a consistent, sensible heading structure. In some cases, the heading structure does not correspond to the visual structure.
The structure of the page is not always optimally structured. Not all labels are assigned correctly.
Guideline 1.4:
We try not to use color solely for conveying information.
With the contrasts we have partly not reached the ratio of 4.5:1 (example links at service navigation at the top or the footer navigation at the bottom).
The navigation at the bottom for the overview (with gray background) is not sufficiently contrasty. Also the contact links in the footer.
Texts above images have too little contrast (for boxes, teasers.)
The 200% text magnification is not 100% ok.
Guideline 2.1:
The website should be consistently operable with keyboard. This is not possible for listings with filter functions, for example. (Ex:
Lists with filters in the left column are difficult to use with keyboard. After entering in the search field, for example, results are loaded without input confirmation.
Guideline 2.4.
The focus order should be implemented correctly on the home page. There are some access keys, but no jump links.
The linking of thumbnails/teasers is partly not solved optimally. Mobile navigation in the burger menu is not optimally solved for keyboard navigation.
Guideline 3.1
The language in parts as well as abbreviations have not been fully indicated on the website.
Guideline 3.3.
Formulare sind nicht 100 prozentig barrierefrei. Bitte nutzen Sie gerne die direkte Kontaktaufnahme via Mail oder Telefon: +43 5675 62200
Guideline 4.1
There are errors in parsing and syntax analysis. Also not all elements are100% name/role/value.
WAI ARIA markup is partly not used 100% correctly.
More problems:
The following content is not accessible at all:
The map under is not barrier-free.
The integration of the webcams and the weather integration are not accessible.
PDF documents used on the website are not accessible.
Our website is presented according to current technical possibilities and standards. If you notice any problems with the realization of individual elements, please pass on your suggestions to us.