Tannheimer Tal
Bike-Marathon 230 km
Quality of experience: ******
Recommended season:
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- Loop
- Scenic
- Refreshment stops available
Start at the tourist information in Tannheim in eastern direction. At the crossing Grän/Haldensee turn left onto the L261 and through the Engetal down to Pfronten until the main road. Turn right and follow the sign Vils/Reutte. Continue to Ulrichsbrücke and turn right before the railway crossing and follow the road via Musau, Pflach to Reutte. Straight on through the traffic-calmed zone and at the roundabout turn right towards Lechtal, continue through Lechaschau and Höfen to Weißenbach. At the roundabout go straight on into the Lechtal and continue to Warth. Turn left there and continue to Lech, the famous winter sports resort. Now follows the ascent to Zürs and on to the Flexenpass at 1,773 metres above sea level. On the ascent and on the descent to Alpe Rauz you will pass through galleries again and again - sometimes dark and, depending on the weather, also wet and slippery - be careful! After the descent you will reach the Arlbergpass road. Turn left here and after a further 3 km ascent to the Arlbergpass summit at 1,793 m you will reach the ski resort of St. Christoph. Now follows a rapid descent to St. Anton and further through the Stanzer Tal to Landeck. In Landeck follow the signs "Imst - Schönwies" and via Zams parallel to the motorway to Imst. Once in Imst follow the signs "Hahntennjoch" and drive around the town. Turn right at the church (Hahntennjoch signposted) in the town, then follow the 16 kilometre long climb up to the Hahntennjoch. Here you have to climb 1,200 metres in altitude, with a maximum gradient of 12 - 15%. The highest point of the tour is reached at the top of the pass at 1,894 metres above sea level. There follows a great descent to Boden, then only a slight gradient to Bschlabs. This is followed by a rapid descent to Elmen. Arrived in Lechtal, turn right towards Reutte. In Weißenbach at the roundabout take the exit into the Tannheimer Tal and return to the starting point.
Every cyclist from the age of 18 (of full age) is entitled to start. Participants aged 16 and over can participate in the 130 km distance in the company of their parents or with the consent of their legal guardian. By paying the entry fee, the participant comprehensively accepts all of the organizer's conditions of participation. The participation is at your own risk!In addition, each participant declares to release the organizers from any civil or criminal liability for personal injury and/or property damage caused by or arising from the participant. The participant declares that he/she has trained sufficiently for the "Rad-Marathon", is physically healthy and his/her state of health has been confirmed by a doctor.
The organizer has the right to shorten the distance and change the time limit in case of bad weather or other unforeseen events.In case of danger, the authorities may also cancel or abandon the event.
The final car is the end of the driver's field. Any cyclist who rides behind this vehicle at any time will be deemed to have left the competition. However, it is possible to return to the competition if the final car is overtaken. The final carriage will keep exactly to the given passage times. The race management may withdraw participants from the competition if they are obviously unable to reach the checkpoint in time.
Safety guidelines:
Der/die Teilnehmer(in) erkennt an, dass während des "Rad- Marathon“ die Straßen nicht für den Verkehr gesperrt sind. Somit erklärt er/sie ausdrücklich, dass die Straßenverkehrsordnung ohne Ausnahme eingehalten werden. Bei Nichteinhaltung der Vorschriften ist mit Anzeigen durch die Polizei zu rechnen. Die Rennleitung behält sich das Recht vor, TeilnehmerInnen, die sich in irgendeiner Weise unkorrekt verhalten, aus dem Bewerb auszuschließen.
Wearing a crash helmet is mandatory.Every participant has to carry a spare tube himself.Escort vehicles are undesirable !!!
Additional information:
Rad-Marathon Tannheimer Tal
Getting there
On the motorway A7 at the exit "Oy-Mittelberg" on the B310 towards Wertach and to Oberjoch. There follow the signposting "Tannheimer Tal" B199, exit Tannheim, Neunerköpfle mountain railway.
From the Tyrolean side via Reutte on the B198 towards Lechtal to Weißenbach, over the Gaichtpass along the B199 to the exit Tannheim, Neunerköpfle Bergbahn
Public Transit
By train to Sonthofen, Pfronten/Ried or Reutte, then by bus to Tannheim.
Parking directly at the start, Tannheim - Neunerköpfle mountain railway
- Summer
- Autumn
Informationsbüro Tannheim
Vilsalpseestraße 1
6675 Tannheim