Tannheimer Tal

Farm store in Felixé Mina’s Haus

Tannheim, Tirol, Österreich


Farm store in Felixé Mina’s Haus
Höf 6
6675 Tannheim

Opening hours

Tuesday, Friday,


Description: The refrigerator in the farm store in Tannheim is filled and accessible during post office hours (MO - FR 9 am - 1 pm).

Local products from the Tannheimer Tal

There are products from the region to buy, from honey to herbal liqueurs or small handicrafts. An essential part of the concept for the Felixé Mina's Haus in Tannheim is to communicate the natural and cultural landscape of the Tannheim Valley. In addition, the culinary products of the farmers are to be brought closer to guests and locals alike. A piece of home, just as the old house was for its former inhabitants. And when one's gaze falls on one of the mighty old beams protruding from the wall, the beautiful word "sustainability" takes on a whole new meaning...

Tuesday and Friday from 2 p.m. - 5 p.m.
in the off-season changed opening hours

Closing day
  • Monday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • holiday